“Red Team” members watch security camera footage of their effects on a simulated water treatment facility at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, Indiana on June 16, 2022 in Niantic, CT. Cyber Yankee is an annual exercise that pits Blue Teams (network defenders) against a Red Team (network intruders/attackers) on a cyber range which is modeled after a critical infrastructure company’s network. (Photo by Maj. David Pytlik, Connecticut National Guard Public Affairs Office)
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Paul Coffy (center, seated) views the status of the virtual exercise environment as two West Virginia University students and U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Adam Brenner (right) observe. Photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Mallory Coleman)
Marines sit at a Joint Tactical Common Operation Picture Workstation, or JTCW. The Marine Corps opened up a bug bounty to find flaws in public facing Marine Corps systems.
The Defense Intelligence Agency is responsible for providing intel on foreign militaries and owning all the intelligence directorates at the combatant commands.
Capt. Seth Hayden of the Army Cyber Protection Brigade monitors exercise progress in the white team operations area for exercise Operation Tiger Stance, at the Indiana National Guard’s Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in Butlerville, Ind., Aug. 23, 2018. (Photo by Bill Roche)